Morphological Mutation, Prague
A discovery of a profoundly intelligent work of Baroque Architecture in the center of Prague.
From what at first appears to be a gothic schema:
towards a simple renaissance hierarchy:
a more complex renaissance balance emerges:
until the assymetrical baroque appears, introducing misaligned tri-partite schemas upon the renaissance balance:
A-B, and A-B-A are assymetrically overlayed upon A-B-C-B-A,
suddenly, complete assymetrical disruption emerges within the balance, transforming harmonic schemes into dissonance:
A-B, and A-B-C-B-D, and A-B-A-C-A
and then, the chaotic scramble emerges in full:
A-B, and A-B-C-B-D-E-E-E, and A-B-A-C-A-B-F
until finally, a certain form of paradoxical closure:
The building mutates its assumed morphological constitution, with every step.
As if it were a cinematic meta-narrative, speaking about the historical development of formal conventions in architecture, the planar facade structure nevertheless speaks softly.
One must look closely, and one will find .... perhaps it was an accident.